Adjusting Your Restaurant Marketing Strategy in Times of Uncertainty
What should marketing teams be doing? What should you focus on? How can you maximize your value?
Uncertain times make planning difficult, causing a challenge for even the best operators. While the future may seem daunting, it is important to take the long view, and operate strategically, identifying potential opportunity where it exists and laying the foundation for future growth. We highlight a few steps to take to build relationships now that will sustain you in the future.
When an unexpected outside factor impacts our industry, companies must rethink their marketing strategy in order to be able to minimize any long-term financial damage and, in the best case, continue future growth amidst budget cuts and spending freezes. There has been much written about how restaurant and foodservice operators can adjust their procedures to keep their staff and guests healthy. The National Restaurant Association has created this page where up-to-date restaurant specific information can be found. It’s still too soon to determine what the long-term impact will be on the foodservice industry nationwide, as a recent Technomic study determined, but the short-term impact is being felt by operators of all sizes in many US markets.
Read our full article here.